The difference between Master and MBA that you did not know - MBA

domingo, 7 de abril de 2019

The difference between Master and MBA that you did not know


The profile of the student and the program are not the only difference between Master and MBA. In addition to the points of divergence that are most commonly mentioned when comparing both types of higher education, salary and professional opportunities, there is a criterion that can help many people to choose between these two specializations.

It is a difference between Master and MBA that is obvious when comparing the syllabus of both options and is, perhaps, one of the examples that best illustrates the different that one and another training can become. And it is that, although in the MBA is not an area that is addressed in depth, in the Masters in Management or Management, the focus is on Human Resources.


Human resources: the difference between Master and MBA
Although a general approach is sufficient to cover the issues related to strategy and personnel management in many MBA programs, the same does not occur in a Master’s degree.

The MBA only seeks to provide the student enough knowledge to be able to perform in this area within a variety of practical situations, but the Master deepens and gives a much more complete view of HR management, providing the theoretical framework necessary to gain understanding.

It is not a difference between Master and MBA that is reduced to the teaching style, the content of the program or the opportunities to develop the knowledge of the subject, but it is a matter of weight, which is given in the curriculum to a subject such as Human Resources and its management.

The Master focuses on an area, which can be the Human Resources Management or Business Management, for example, while the MBA brings a global knowledge of business aimed at professionals and oriented to practice, focusing on business in general.

Taking all this into account and once the difference between Master and MBA is clear, at the time of choosing the path that will be followed to continue forming, it is necessary to evaluate:

If you already have some professional experience or not, since, in the latter case, the MBA may not be a realistic option. To take a Master’s degree, you do not normally need to prove that you are an active professional or certain experience in a sector or position.

If the objective is to work in the HR area or submit the application for a specific HR vacancy; since, the level of specialized knowledge that the Master provides would make the balance inclined for this alternative. The proportion of specific HR subjects that are taught in an MBA are much lower than those that can be offered in a Master in People Management, for example.
If you are clear that the knowledge you need can be obtained from a Master. You know where you should go to grow, improve and become a more complete and prepared professional. When the MBA does not provide what you are looking for, you should evaluate other alternatives. There are many

The difference between Master and MBA, on paper, can consist of several salary figures or a wider range of job opportunities. However, in real life you have the last word and you are the one who must trace your own path. Do you already know what it is that excites you? What is the profession where you see yourself working in 1 year, in 5 or in 10? How will you get there, Master or MBA?

What is an MBA in the 21st century?
The MBA (Master in Business Administration) continues to be one of the most valued options of professional specialization. Moreover, in recent years there has been an increase in the interest of professionals in the area or even others who in principle have nothing to do with business and administration.

The qualification is more important than ever. The number of professionals who currently have access to training of this type or similar has increased considerably in recent times, which means that it is necessary to have good tools to compete.

In the current market, companies demand from their workers or candidates the highest levels of training. They look for leaders, but also more than that: they want people capable of adapting to the new context and of managing companies efficiently

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